Friday, January 21, 2011

Shop Update!

I have been a busy little bee and the shop is updated with a brand new collection of inspirational word pendants!

Love Pendant


Breathe pendant


Happy Pendant


I believe that a positive outlook on life can truly make your dreams come true. These pendants will serve as little reminders through the day that it will all be 'ok' in the end. I think of them as little visualization boards.

And of course just in time for Valentines day

Valentine earrings

"Valentine" stud earrings

Happy Shopping!!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Swap Swap Swappy Swap Swap

I don't have the patience lately to work on larger projects and as a result I have been diving head first in swaps for ATCs and supplies.

Here is a little peak at some recent work!

I tried my hand at Inchies

Red Inchies

Incheies a 1x1inch little pieces of art. These are red themed. To be honest they are way too small for me to work on.

Peacock themed ATC collage

Peacock ATC

Blue Themed ATCs

ATC Colour Series:Blue

ATC Colour Series:Blue

Red Themed ATCs

ATC Colour Series:Red

ATC Colour Series:Red

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Re-use those lovely note cards - Tutorial

I never have the heart to throw away the wonderful cards I received from friends, family, customers and swap partners. I also always run out of cards to send to those people as well.
This is why I decided to start re-vamping cards I have received into treasures that I can send out again.
Re-use, re-cycle, re-love!

Card Making tutorial

What you will need:

Old Cards
Card stock
Stamps, letter stickers etc

Start with measuring out one of your cards and cutting a few new cards out of your card stock. I was lucky enough to pass by a garage sale and find an old gentleman getting rid of a nice variety of card stock.

Card Making tutorial

Fold and score the new cards

Card Making tutorial

Select a card that you would like to use to create your new cards, I picked this funky colourful polka dot card.

Card Making tutorial

And then I cut out the funky dots

Card Making tutorial

I decided to stamp the word "Thanks" on my cards, but you can do anything you like

Card Making tutorial

Here I cut a note card into strips for a funky block style new card

Card Making tutorial

The best part about this is that really anything goes!!!

For envelopes, I unglued one the envelope the original card came in and used it as a template.

Card Making tutorial

I picked some large enough pages of old magazines I had received in a supply swap to make my new envelopes out of and traced the template on them.

Card Making tutorial

Cut and glue!

Card Making tutorial

and TA DA!!!
New note cards to send out to the world!!!

You can recycle all of your Christmas cards this way and be ready to send them out next Holiday season!!!

Card Making tutorial
