Wednesday, June 09, 2010

"Sex and the City II"

A pleasure, simply a pleasure movie.
Love love loved it!

If you are a closet Miranda, Samantha, Charlotte or a Carrie you will enjoy this movie top to bottom.
This movie was the perfect Friday night escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday gray life.
The colors, the shoes, the friendships and of course the loves are back and just as wonderfully shiny as ever.

In several reviews the plot line is harshly abused, but for me it was simply perfect. Exploring the real life challenges with love, marriage, and age made this movie easy to relate to and enjoy. After all, you can wear designer gowns and have all the men in the world and still eventually end up with a major hot flash in the middle of a dessert!
Plus the gorgeous background of Abu Dhabi can be almost the 5th character in this movie.

So I say watch it, love and then see it at least once more for the shoes and then again for the clothes ;)

For I will always be a whole lot of Samantha in Carrie's shoes with Miranda's practicality and a touch of Charlotte's innocence.

Overall, this movie deserves 4.5 lip balms out of 5!

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