Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Sunday...

oh how I wish Sundays did not end with Mondays...

This weekend I found myself living the life of shut-in as my only venture into the real world was a quick but expensive trip to the pet store followed by another quicker trip to the art supply store.
The rest of the time I was somewhere in between the piles or should I say mountains of supplies that I own.


I gathered and packaged my Journaling supplies swap

Journaling supplies Swap - sent

Two packages to fly of to different sides of the world.

I also completed another swap titled "Flowered ATCs: Daises"

Daises ATC Swap - sent

I haven't worked on mixed media projects in a while and I thought that the best way to get myself back in the groove would be if I signed up for a few swaps.
My style is a bit different now and the whole process has evolved for me. I actually sketched, picked out the papers & organized them prior to starting. I used to just splash things together before.
The swap called for 2 ATCs and I created one slightly different to put in the Shop! as an ACEO.

Dream Big - ACEO

"Dream Big"

Monday, September 07, 2009

In reading news...

Class is fast approaching again, my first assignment is due on Oct 9th.
In a race against time I am trying to read as many books before I hit the study books again. Once it starts I won't be able to come up for air until next June.

In the last month, I finished the 5th installment of Stephen King's Dark Tower series (I have been reading the series on and off for the past 5 years).

Interestingly enough this book mentioned a devise called a seeker and a little wizard by the name of Harry Potter. Yes Stephen King manages to bring in all kinds off strange things in his books, usually it is characters from his other stories.
So guess the title of the next book that I read...

A while back I decided to give in and read the Harry Potter books. I had never read them or watched the movies, so I decided to catch up with the world. One of my new coworkers handed me the first book in the series the morning after I finished the King book. Coincidence? Or in the words of King "ka" ;)

I finished Harry Potter in one breath, well a week. Now I must watch the first movie and see the visuals.
Next on my reading list is

I usually let some time pass between the Dark tower books but as I told you I am in a race against time.

After this I want to read

Finish the dark tower series and Harry Potter. I don't think I will get pass the the above book in time though, but we will see...